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A Glimpse into a day at an Advertising Agency

A Typical day at Forest

You’re in for a Safari ride at our Forest where on every halt you’ll find unique wild beasts waiting to roar with their creativity. Amidst the open fields of ideas and the groves of unconventional thoughts, our Forest is infused with the refreshing aroma of coffee. Our pack of dedicated lionesses can make any work seem effortless by being disciplined. There are some days when music lifts our spirits up and there are some when a client’s appreciative text makes our day bright. In any scenario, we get our work done, for which we definitely give ourselves a pat on the back.

The sun in our forest rises and sets with equal zest and shine. Our caves open up at 9.30 am when the fresh morning coffee sips make us zone into work quite strongly. New days, new briefs, and new work emails aka love letters from the boss set us in the direction of a fruitful day. Every new day brings us the opportunity to go hunting for raw ideas to feed our minds and serve our clients. We are well-equipped with meeting deadlines and sticking to the tradition of long Fridays. The unity that we foster might well just be the secret behind our success of getting through weeks after weeks of putting sufficient and efficient work in place. We would be lying if we said we don’t face any rejections, in fact, they are our stepping stones in passing the turbulent river of failures, fears, and everything disheartening. Our days are a mix of bursts of energy, hunger to be different, ideas that transform into reality, challenges that ignite the spark of out-of-the-box thinking, and the satisfaction of getting work done.

The absence of cubicles at Forest, unlike the majority of advertising agencies, helps to encourage transparency and enables the exchange of ideas, and mind you, there’s no space for politics whatsoever! There’s chatter and life updates, some jokes that crack everyone up, and some moments of serious work without any disturbances. Not to forget the occasional mimicry of colleagues by each other which helps us learn to laugh at ourselves. Last-minute changes, sudden new briefs, requirements of transforming a presentation into a video, loads and loads of rework, and striving hard for a single ounce of satisfaction on the client’s side are a few of the many challenges that we face. We've all been there - stomach growling like a wild beast, but with a never-ending to-do list staring at us, it feels impossible to leave our chair. We can vouch for Monday blues to be a real thing but at least we get a good excuse for that extra dose of caffeine! The trees of ideas and creativity don’t sway the same all year round as some seasons demand more of us and sometimes we get a creative block. Here, everyone pushes beyond their potential to make brands thrive in their sectors. We for sure are drowned in work but that doesn’t make it impossible for us to swim and appreciate the view deep down under the ocean, where we take a moment to soak the journey in. Making and breaking processes, experimenting with new methods, creating new rules, and banishing the old ones, can all prepare us to brace and face situations as they appear. We welcome (but also dread) new challenges without flinching as we know we are equipped with the claws of ideas and creativity. Our grounds consist of social media calendars, logo designs, packaging designs, advertising campaigns, communication design, and digital content that are most often parked in advance, and in that, we take great pride. The daily influx of work is handled by each one of us with the ongoing projects without any bruises, and that is what counts as real strength.

Our day ends with putting up lists and setting the tone for the upcoming day, ticking off the work done with satisfaction, and bidding each other goodbye which is disguised as a promise of showing up again tomorrow.

At Forest, each day is unconventionally different, and here, every day counts!

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Branding and Marketing: Get The best of both with Forest

We couldn’t decide whether to enlighten you about the basic differences between branding and marketing or just tell you how Forest can help you, so we decided to go ahead with both, because why not? Let’s dive into the thick grove covered with essential insights about branding and marketing. Trust us, you are about to become a pro! Put on your imaginative bamboo hats and let’s get to work.

Imagine you are the host of a fun party. Your fabulous costume and your overall persona count as a brand, it is also about how you present yourself at the party, the impression you make, and how people remember you. Whereas your party invitations and the buzz you create count as marketing. It is the strategic planning and execution of promotions such as eye-catching social media posts, posters on streets, etc. Marketing is about spreading the word and getting people excited to attend your party.

Branding is what differentiates a company from the dense world of competitors. Visual elements such as logos, fonts, and color combinations, whereas a certain tone of voice and taglines used can help build a story in order for it to resonate with the customers. Branding can help a person understand where a company comes from and what values it abides by. Why do you think companies implement branding and invest in it to great heights? Well, the answer is simple - to create expectations, to be able to be recognized and to create a lasting impression on customers’ minds.

Marketing consists of processes, strategies, and tactics that help create brand awareness. It builds customer relationships, though the end goal of marketing remains to make sales. There are different methods of marketing viz. digital, traditional, email, etc. that target to growing customer base by communicating benefits. The level of uniqueness you portray in your marketing can be the key to making all the difference.

Where do you see us amidst all of this? Technically, everywhere! Right from branding to marketing, your company will get the best of both worlds with Forest. We understand the nitty-gritty of how to make a brand stand out, How? By understanding your brand to the core! We put in that extra ounce of effort to make sure we know and understand the brand inside out. We are well-versed in the basics and creative enough to make your brand come across as one of the finest in class. Powerful logo, elegant packaging, impactful positioning, appealing colors, suitable fonts, exquisite typography, and above all, envisioning your brand’s perception and the way it can make a mark among the audiences, are all a part and parcel of our work in the branding world.

Starting from traditional marketing methods such as print and outdoor media, we have also made our mark in the newer marketing world i.e. the digital world and how! In the manner in which strategies are planned, and executed, we make sure to ignite the customer interest in your brand, push the right benefits, and allow curiosity to hover. We ensure your brand commands attention, resonates deeply, and leaves an impactful mark. But it doesn't end there. We go beyond the surface, delving into the essence of your brand to extract its true power. With us, your brand is heard, seen, and recognized, all while amplifying its visibility, engaging your audience, and converting prospects into happy customers.

With Forest, your brand will flourish and grow tall, like the mightiest tree in the marketing jungle. For branding and marketing, may the Forest be with you!

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The Female Force

The Female Force

No, no! This blog is not about bashing men, but about embracing women! Contrary to what you all might be thinking, the all-women workforce at Forest Communications is not an intentional decision but a sweet coincidence. We take pride in being an all-women workforce because we are aware of the value a woman adds and believe us when we say that we are addicted to the satisfaction of breaking the societal shackles and misconceptions. At Forest, It’s all about women empowering each other and fostering teamwork in order to help the company grow to its full potential. We flourish with the comfort of having women around us. Being a creative agency with an all-women workforce and managing to bloom despite the view that the world has about women, is an achievement in itself. According to IPA, creative agencies are often male-dominated. But at a creative agency like Forest, women are here to assert their creative dominance!

There are many perks for women as a part of the workforce. Women are the strongest spirits who excel at staying organized, harbor enhanced decision-making skills, and are also efficient at management. They’re strong-willed, hold the ability to persist despite failure, are adaptive, and are hard-working. Even after the sunshine that an all-women workforce brings, it’s disheartening to see that disparity based on gender still exists in the majority of creative agencies. Well, on the brighter side, creative agencies like Forest exist!

We at Forest, believe every woman to be extraordinary! The all-women workforce ranges from varied professional experiences and different age groups ranging from Millennials to Gen Z. The diversity brings in a plethora of unique and fresh as well as wise perceptions to fuel up creativity along with making sure that the work is always at its best. All these factors keep the exchange of every detail fresh and interesting! We feel trusted, inspired, and motivated by each other! Although we all are very different, an unsaid bond still lingers. Women are not all about bearing children, household chores, and gossip. Their talents hold the potential to soar high and Forest makes this leap possible.

That being said, men, where are your applications?

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5-Day Work Week

5-Day Work Week

In today’s fast-paced world, striking a work-life balance is the real deal. Forest Communications strives to help its team maintain a work-life balance by incorporating a 5-day work week. A two-day pause per week has its own plethora of benefits such as good returns in the long term by leading to less stress and providing a healthy and satisfactory life. Apart from the breather that the weekend provides, a 5-day work week is traditionally believed to be more productive. Welcoming fresh mindsets on Mondays is every organization’s dream come true. But mind you, getting fresh mindsets on board is only possible after an ample amount of rest. Believe it or not, another added benefit of a shorter work week is an improvement in staff recruitment and retention. According to the facts, almost three-quarters of people would consider this as the master reason for choosing to work with a specific employer, and rightfully so! Well, what more benefits are there of a five-day work week? Let us dive into it right away.

Firstly, increased productivity is one of the most prominent benefits followed by decreased absenteeism. Job satisfaction yields improved morale and enhances work-life balance helping to avoid burnout. The motivation and focus to work really hard and be productive skyrocket when one knows they’ll later get plenty of time to do what they love and indulge in some alone time. Who wouldn’t love a great day at work and going back to some relaxing time at home! In short, a happier team with great loyalty is the most significant advantage of having a shorter work week.

It is way too easy to get a creative block when kept on working relentlessly. One of the ways to derive more work that is high in quality is by increasing bit of time during the workdays, doing this not only compensates for the weekend time but also helps boost work.  The magic is about managing work hours by distributing them differently. It’s not necessary that the team is productive for each and every work hour. There are some common distractions such as multitasking, small talks with co-workers, and meetings. Once distracted it takes at least 20 minutes to get hold of the task at hand. Hence, we realize not every hour is productive and it’s not supposed to be tightly productive as creative breaks are a thing to keep ideas brimming on the surface. That apart, not all businesses are a perfect fit for the criteria of a shorter work week. It’s about what’s best for the clients. No matter the need, figuring out solutions that are tailor-made to suit your business is of utmost importance. It doesn’t make sense to incorporate a shorter work week just because everyone else is doing it. Hence, figuring out if your business is a fit is one of the tedious but much-needed jobs to be done. 

Though we discussed all the goodies about having a shorter work week, not everything is rainbows and sunshine. Back to Forest Communications, one of the biggest challenges we face as a 5-day working agency is managing weekend work from the clients and integrating it into our work week. Nevertheless, the light of benefits outshines the disadvantages of having a 5-day work week.

In the end, it’s all about empowering your team to put their best foot forward.

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The Daily Grind

You landing up here, reading this, is proof in itself that you’re an ardent coffee lover or maybe even a coffee addict. No worries, Forest Communications is guilty of the same. “Coffee is not just a beverage, it’s a sentiment,” - said everyone at Forest ever.

Coffee is not an excuse to not work, in fact, it’s a motivation for most to show up because they simply cannot function without a cuppa. Doses of coffee and the breaks that come with it are of utmost significance for various reasons. Coffee doesn’t only boost mood but is also credited for increased productivity, a chance for much-needed social interaction (which is mostly gossip), a break for a boost in creativity, and the list goes on and on. Imagine you had a really bad morning and there’s nothing good at your workplace to motivate you enough to get up from bed, wouldn’t that be simply immensely sad? Now, imagine the same scenario but with a hot cup of coffee awaiting you at the office, sense the big change in your attitude? That’s coffee for you. It doesn't come as a surprise that over 400 billion cups of coffee are consumed every year in the world. It has indeed become a staple at our agency just like it has at almost all other companies.

Coffee breaks are essential as they give a chance to exchange honest opinions and ideas filled with creativity. It’s a great aid to keep creative fatigue at bay and keep the freshness of the mind intact. Apart from imparting many health benefits, it also plays a part in creating an altogether new coffee culture. Does this bring us to what Forest's coffee culture is like? Well, it boils down to one single thing- the best coffee! 

Coffee at Forest is brewed along with creative ideas with the right amount of everything to keep one’s creative juices flowing. No matter the coffee type, we all share one common love - coffee, and we like our coffee just like we are - strong! 

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